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Thursday, June 23, 2005


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How stinkin cute! I can't believe that there is Prozac for kitties...but hey, as long as you don't have to deal with that AWFUL smell. Widget is a great name, way cooler than Pandora.

Jennine Dureau

So nice to hear about Widget even though I have already met her, know her. Hearing her story again and all the lovely, warm things she does to be a part of your family is very heart-warming. It makes me want a kitty and I'm a dog person! Ha! Maybe one of each....someday...when I have the property and the schedule.....Thanks for the lovely story.


Perhaps Pandora was an appropriate name after all. As I recall, the original Pandora didn't use the box correctly either.


it's so nice that you are taking care of this special kitty. mine has a sleu of issues for a 2-year-old stray, but i believe it's people like us that make a difference. props!

Celine Navarro

This cat is GORGEOUS!


It sounds like Pandora has found a wonderful home. She is beautiful adn I love the after thought name Ganache (YUM!) perhaps you could adopt it as a middle name. I once had a kitty with a peeing problem and a friend of mine had 2 with the same problem. It turned out all 3 had Cystitis which is a very painful urinary problem. Your story reminded me of this, I hope your kitty doesn't have this and is just nervous.

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