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Tuesday, June 21, 2005


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I too am a lot behind in getting the garden in. Just last week we were sewing the seeds. Not knowing much about gardening, I had wondered if it was too late and then decided I would never know unless I emptied the seed packets and watched to see what would happen. I do have 1 sunflower from the one packet of seeds I managed to plant about 2 months back. And I feel your confusin about what to do about the little eaters of our gardens. My problem is slugs. They have already eaten all but one sunflower and now that 8 more are popping up, I worry that they will start again. I am so against slug and snail bait, i love slugs really, I have even had them as pets, and i don't want to hurt them but what is a girl to do? perhaps if I put a little sprinkling of salt around the plants, they will feel it and turn around. It would break my heart to wake up some morning and find one all dried up. asphyxiating the little gopher is probably the best idea I have heard, no pain, just sleep. Good luck to you and your merging of garden styles :)

Mary Beth

Hey Dona,
Long time.....wish I could sneak out and visit! You are as brilliant a writer as you are an artist, I love your posts. I have started a blog too,
if you are interested.
Or you can get there from my web page.
Take care and you guys give each other a hug from me.

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