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The philosophy of aubergine

  • To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
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Sunday, October 23, 2005


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Brian Ray

Holy Crap! You look just like your Granny!

michelle medina

wow, they are happy! and holding each other on the same arm. i love reading yr blog dona, and i am glad you are going to vacation.


they are so precious. geez, and i don't even know them!


Dona! Your G's are Adorable! You are LUCKY that you still have grandparents alive. I lost mine long ago. Where do they live/where did you go to see them? Talk to them, ask them questions, have them tell you stories---appreciate their wisdom and history. love, Jennine


Dona! Your G's are Adorable! You are LUCKY that you still have grandparents alive. I lost mine long ago. Where do they live/where did you go to see them? Talk to them, ask them questions, have them tell you stories---appreciate their wisdom and history. love, Jennine

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