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Tuesday, February 14, 2006


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Happy Valentine's Day (belated but heartfelt) to you and Lisa from me and Lise! It was six years ago on the 14th we trotted out and got our Domestic Partnership in CA notarized to file with the State o' California.
That was the first of our many anniversaries - we figure between this spring's anniversary of the East Coast Wedding Party (June 2, 2001) and summer's Mass Celebration of Domestic Partners at Pride in SF a few weeks later, the relationship will be old enough to drink. um. A rollicking good start any way you count it!


I will hope right over and post it. Hope you and Lisa had a great day!



I read your blog all the time. Now that England has legalized Gay marriage perhaps we have some hope that Americans will wake up and recognize that if you are straight or gay, Love is really a beautiful gift and if you are lucky enough to have found true love we should all be allowed to express it.

I will be posting this on my simple living blog (I am sure Singapore, where I live now, will be even further behind the US on this.)


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