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Monday, February 20, 2006


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I'm loving this extended art lesson. It has made me more conscious of my own art . . . putting words together. I unpacked a box of old journals today. Mine don't have watercolor paper either, or even any drawings, or at least not many, and not very good ones, but they do have lots of words. And as I read them, I was transported back to the day I wrote the entry.

I need to remember that. So much time has passed since I wrote my thoughts. Thanks for inspiring me once again.


I'm being fascinated with these conversations, and starting to dab about with my colors... and papers, and realizing about paints, Just How Little I Know.
I love times of serious Beginner's Mind; and am taking Kate's online watercolor class.

It's good to see you, at least by recycled-electrons, a little more often!


Oh wow -- it's neat to see your experiments with paper and color. Looking at the rag and bone journal, I can see why you might not have liked the DS quin gold so much! :-) I like your play with the triads, too, and think it is a good idea to look for a triad (or small palette) that represents the local color of where YOU are, rather than someone else's idea. It will be interesting to follow along with your experiments!


Very interesting indeed. I've tried the old masters triad - it's on my blog - but I think my yellow ocher must be different from Steve's - maybe I'm having the same problem you had with the quin gold!


I can't wait to see you paint more. This is the perfect followon to the intro chat at lunch.... thank you 8)

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