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The philosophy of aubergine

  • To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
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Monday, July 31, 2006


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Ooooh lovely gouache ... thanks for the good demo of what it can do.


I LOVE this little painting.. love love love it!


Will you paint me on that big canvas? Nude. I want someone to paint me nude and I can't find anyone.... J.


Another way of thinking about procrastination: "Indecision is the key to flexibility." I'm not sure what it means, but that phrase (which I think your father invented) has often comforted me.

The Feminist Mafia

Beautiful. And a great description of gouache. Since I'm not a painter, I don't know anything about paint, so it's nice to read a description that I actually understand.

Mary Beth

Oooh, very sweet, love what you are doing. You are inspiring me to order some gouache! I have never used it either but perhaps it is time to try.

When I get back from my show in Mpls, I have a couple weeks set aside to start/create (hopefully with abandon) pieces for an upcoming gallery show. I am so looking forward to that time. My struggle at the moment is to do just that......stay in the moment and be present for this show.

Then I can play again!


My grandmother used to always quote someone to me (can't remember who) that procrastination is just a reorganization of ones priorities... Beautiful painting, love gouache too

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