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Friday, October 13, 2006


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I can't wait to see it - maybe you'll bring it to Artfest :-) Oddly (or not) I just started a new knitting project too. But, like your friend, I prefer the brainless stuff, I just can't wrap my brain around more complicated patterns. Perhaps someday.


I'm also very impressed with your math calculations and look forward to seeing the finished sweater. I love that colourway too. In fact it's *very* much like the yarn I just knit Fetching with (my photo isn't nearly as crisp as yours however). I think it's in the latest of my blog postings.


Happy knitting, you. I'm sitting in the dark of morning, and I like the thought that you're down south, knitting with the red. :)

The Feminist Mafia

Wow. Good story. I'm also a 'by the seat of my pants' knitter, so I'm especially impressed with your math. Reconfiguring an entire pattern is pretty hard. Well done. And I must confess a love for that sweater sans bobbles, so I'll be interested to see it develop. Now I'm off to see Fathom Harvill's version.

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