I have two hard meetings today, my first and last meetings of the day. In between I have a schedule so full that I don't have time to walk from one meeting to another, and so am having to make peace with the fact that I will be running late all day long. I dislike these days, when I have no time to pause, ground myself, get composed.
I told one of my employees recently that it is good to understand tree pose when working with a particular manager in our department. He is a frenzy of brilliant, disorganized, speeding thoughts. He thinks and talks quickly, interrupting himself and carrying on parts of the conversation in his head. It is often hard to follow him, and frustrating to try to get him to make or agree to a decision. But if you are solidly grounded when you talk to him, and slow your words to a normal pace, he usually responds by slowing down also, finishing his thoughts, meeting you in that quieter place to have a productive conversation. I didn't realize how often I use this "trick" until I was describing it to her. When I am calm, people respond calmly to me. When I am centered, I can find solutions to hard problems by feel, rather than force.
Today I need the calm. Today I will practice tree pose while in motion.
way back, and for several months i kept a Buddha in my pocket to help me deal with a coworker. There was SO MUCH I had to teach her.
For so many months I meditated and stayed quiet hoping she would understand.
after many months I realized how much she had taught me.
Posted by: niki | Saturday, February 24, 2007 at 10:56 PM
I feel your pain, baby. I know exactly what you're talking about ;)
And, uh, I'm at least in part resonsible for your calendar woes... :/
Posted by: adam | Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 01:02 PM