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Tuesday, September 11, 2007


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Hey Dona, I got the address of your blog through your sis, Deb, who lives in the same hallway here at the Fordham dorm. I'm originally from Amsterdam. I'm only here in the States for an exchange program that lasts until the end of this semester.

Anyway, just wanted to say you really made me feel homesick for my hometown. The way you described it was exactly why I love the city so much. So kudos on the great report of your trip and kudos for the great pictures you shot!

By the way: the word is gezellig, not gellezig. And you're right, it's one of the hardest words to translate to English, since you guys don't really have a word for it. It basically means the feeling that you get when you're surrounded by people who really make you feel at home or really create a great atmosphere.

So thanks for the flattering posts about my beloved city! If you're ever need some advice for your next Amsterdam trip, drop me a line!


Bless you for your wonderful journal of Amsterdam. I felt like I was there.

But I really wished I had been able to join you for tomato soup after you arrived home. It sounded delicious!

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