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The philosophy of aubergine

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Friday, October 05, 2007


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michelle medina

i remember that unnamed jar, and i am glad that it has kept.

i like wearing sud de pacific's vanille abricot, or just the scent of cocoa butter on my skin. it's mousturinzing and everyone wants to eat you.

michelle medina

i remember that unnamed jar, and i am glad that it has kept.

i like wearing sud de pacific's vanille abricot, or just the scent of cocoa butter on my skin. it's mousturinzing and everyone wants to eat you.


This is a lovely post. I have an old bottle of my granmother's perfume from 20 years ago. While it's almost all gone, I can still catch some of it's soft scent, bringing back many memories of her hugs and her scent that used to fill the room.

Madeline R

Love this post. My "rain" essential oil still brings me back to the friend wo originally wore it and also to my honeymooon, where I started using it. I have a bottle of my mother's "Passion" and use it very ocassionally to bring her back to me.

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