Today is my birthday. I'm spending most of my day alone, entirely by choice. I took today and tomorrow off of work, and made no plans. This was about the extent of my goal for the day:
And it has been wonderful. I slept in, and woke to a gift that Lisa left on the pillow next to me. I put eggnog in my coffee. I opened all the blinds and let the golden morning sun stream in. My mom came over for a cup of tea and to bring my gift: a year's membership to the Esalen Institute and to plant the idea of a personal retreat there (and she didn't even know that was on my 100 things list). I've had a steady stream of messages from people who love me. I shut the door of my studio, turned on the heater, lit some incense, put on some music, and played in my journal for a while. I stayed in my pajamas until noon, and then took a long hot shower and used some heavenly smelling soap. In a bit, I'm going down to the market to get the ingredients for my birthday dinner tonight, when we'll be joined by two of my favorite people. And I will cook the foods I picked for myself, by myself. And it will be delicious.
And I find that I can't stop smiling. I'm full of love today - for myself, and for the world.
Oh my, we must be soul sisters. You have just described my perfect day.
Posted by: Hashi | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 05:51 AM
So glad that you had a birthday that you chose and that you enjoyed so very much. That's how birthdays should be spent. Good for you Doña.
Posted by: kat | Monday, December 03, 2007 at 11:32 PM
It sounds like you gave yourself a glorious birthday... I love it! We often leave ourselves out of the giving... good for you for gifting to yourself.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (4 days late)
Posted by: niki | Monday, December 03, 2007 at 06:43 AM
Happy birthday, it reads like a marvellous day.
Posted by: Di | Friday, November 30, 2007 at 02:25 AM