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The philosophy of aubergine

  • To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
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Friday, January 11, 2008


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Oh, Dona. I can picture you in that outfit ~Beautiful~ and I tell you, even though it has been rough for me since I moved back from NYC, I feel like it has given me some time with my inner artist and it does show up in places like your outfits. And I am so happy to see that in the mirror before I leave my room. Reminds me of my inner child. That artist that has always been there when I used to color with my Crayolas and organize them in the most Pantone-ish kind of way, revel in making the best mud pies with the red North Carolina clay and insist on wearing my palazzo pants (even tho I had grown taller, but not wider). Imagine that. Yes, it looks like highwater palazzo pants! The very first embarrassing moments I caused my Mother in a long string. : ) It's good for her. Ha!

Thank you for posting those song lyrics too. I can barely ever get all of the lyrics when listening to a song play. I have to make the time to read the lyrics as well. So, thank you for that. I needed them today too. "Strength, courage and wisdom." Sounds like what we talked about before. ; )

Btw, I got some garnet earrings and a garnet/silver necklace this year as a gift. Love them. Match with everything it seems ; ) And they are my birthstone.... Remember to show me your strand next time I visit. Or next time You visit Me ; ) my New Plaaaaace. ahhhhhhhh

I want some of that glue to play with. I usually mess up my glueing, collaging projects because I have not invested in/researched the right glue.

And I want an iPod so I can even have a playlist....hahahaha.....All being added to my Goals 08 list ; )

BTW, I laughed out loud reading your piece about your personality reading a book about writing inspiring you to paint in your journal. Love it!!!! Tres Dona. Wish I could get the accent mark and the tilda in that sentence. It is fun to say out loud. Try it.


I'm so glad that paper ended up somewhere special! I found it at the Art Institute of Chicago and have been rationing it out. That was the last piece. . .

Courtney Kennedy

apparently, I really, really loved it! sorry for the double post, I'm still learning how to use this new-fangled computer technology...

Courtney Kennedy

You looked gorgeous on Friday. I loved that outfit!


You looked gorgeous on Friday! I loved the outfit!



That book is beautiful. It looks rich and vibrant and full of a life of its own. What a wonderful way to start the morning. If I can get up early next week, I might try something similar. :-)

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