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The philosophy of aubergine

  • To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008


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Joy Logan

Thats the ticket a nice getaway by yourself with your arts etc. I think oceans are so inspiring and I plan to get away by myself again very soon!


fabulous--i adore this photo. it oozes peace and calm and the possibility of a whole day stretching out in front of you.

thank you for posting it.


What bliss, indeed! Good for you! We all need some time to refill the well. You are a good role model for me. I'm off to plan a trip!

Mary Beth

Divine. I am envious (in a good way) that you have this time. Hope you are feeling restored now. Hugs...


I liked, "...and no attatchment to doing anything in particular other than whatever I felt like in the moment." "And then a whole day ahead of me to spend any way I wish. Bliss." Brillant. We all need some of that in our lives. Bravo to you for taking the time out to indulge yourself. Smart.

And this is such a lovely thing when it happens: "And my sun salutations are starting to feel fluid, finally." And it does take time for everyone to achieve. And sometimes you need to check out, as you did to achieve it. Now the challenge becomes being able to check into that space in your head even back at home with all the stimulus and still do Sun Salutation fluidly. Ahhhhh...bliss.


we just did that. lots of quiet time alone, reconnecting at meals. the alone retreat is always good too.
blessings upon your journey.


Yup, this sounds blissful and so peaceful. I've been feeling like that's what I need to do, myself. [sigh] Hope that it was energizing and centering as well; looking forward to the writing and art that it and the new year should bring.

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