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The philosophy of aubergine

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Sunday, February 10, 2008


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Dona. Just posted my blog entry today and then stunned to see your photos. How lucky you are to live where you do. I was sorry to read your sad news. Have courage, be brave and thank you for your lovely words.


dona, i think we know we speak the same language when it comes to SC and the ocean. i am missing it deeply these days. and, your friend dying condolensces to you and everyone who knew him. I am so sorry to hear this news. however, it sounds like you have many positive ways to honor him and the time you knew him. I am glad you are noticing all of those things. I miss you and wish to talk to you soon. P.S. I came to your blog because I was in such a bad mood today and your blog usually cheers me up. It certainly reminded me to stop and appreciate life today. love, nene


Your photos are lovely. I too go to the ocean when need comfort or perspective.


I too always return to the ocean for comfort

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