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The philosophy of aubergine

  • To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
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Sunday, September 21, 2008


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creepy, but neat!


before i even read your request for someone to read to you out loud, i already knew that my comment was going to be to offer you that. you know i would, any time. How are you? I miss you. someday soon again..... love, neeners


I have often wished for the same. However, then I wonder if I would enjoy each hobby half as much. :-) I use audiobooks and music while I do other things. Lately, I'm really into reading books by candlelight, while listening to soothing music (and using aromatherapy treatments everywhere).

Enjoy your passions!


audiobooks are great for this! though it can be harder to stay paying attention than reading with eyeballs for me.

Kirsten Liske

turning the page though, still a problem,
I love to read out loud! Maybe we can take turns.


Kirsten Liske

Turning the page though, still a challenge.
Also, I love to read outloud, Maybe we can take turns

Jude Marks

Hi Dona,
If you knit the European way, you don't have to look. So you can read and knit at the same time. I have tried to learn, but think I need some one-on-one help to get the hang of it. I'd like to knit and watch a movie at the same time, so I have the same problem.


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