It is someone's birthday today. Someone who I met in my first job at Apple, and who I became unlikely fast friends with. Someone who taught me how to play Quake by killing off my avatar over and over until I learned to dodge him. Someone who came up with crazy nicknames for nearly everyone in our team, which stuck even when we wished they wouldn't (mine was Doñata, which was better than the nicknames my little brother invented). Someone who has a long string of nicknames himself (BRay, spunk, dasspunk, etc.). Someone who loves orange, the letter "K" and thinks bananas are the perfect fruit. Someone who can give a long and entertaining monologue about why he loves each of those things. Someone who has strongly opinionated but is happy to hear out differing opinions, too (as long as he can make fun of you). Someone who plays beautiful music and is wholeheartedly passionate about it. Someone who loves basketball and is one of only two people I have voluntarily watched sports with. Someone whose old leather desk chair I still sit my butt in nearly every morning to read my email, and whose coffee grinder I used in my kitchen this morning. Someone who makes fun of me about nearly everything, but somehow it always comes across as love. Someone who has at least twice given away or sold almost everything he owns to move across the country or to another country (that's how I got his stuff). Someone who quit smoking a few years ago after a very long habit (so proud of you!). Someone who has the sweetest softest heart, but would never ever admit to it. Someone who calls women "broads" and "chicks" and I forgive him because I know how much he respects us really. Someone who has a huge collection of Hawaiian shirts. Someone who drinks "old man drinks," and always orders his vodka tonic with lime (limes are the runner-up perfect fruit). Someone who wore shorts every single day that he lived in California (with Hawaiian shirts, of course). Someone who took gentle care of me when my last relationship was winding down to a messy close and I really needed a friend.
What's hilarious... I only just now found and read this :)
Thanks all,
Posted by: Spunk S. Spunk III | Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 09:20 PM
Well if you think he's cool, then I think he's cool.
Posted by: Mic | Friday, November 28, 2008 at 12:00 PM
makes me want to meet him to learn more, and that's the sign of a great story.
did you send it to him?
does he know he's famous?
Posted by: Kirsten Liske | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 10:16 PM
Dona, the sooner you get that book written the better, you have such a talent for storytelling - and what a lovely birthday gift for Brian, Jo x
Posted by: jo marks | Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 05:07 AM
ooh. yes. happy birthday, bray.
i have never regretted meeting, working with, and hanging with that crazy dude that doña recommended come our way.
many happy returns. miss you!
Posted by: meriko | Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 11:39 PM
you are such an awesome friend to have dona. happy birthday brian! don't know ya but sending you some birthday love anyway ;)
miss you d!
Posted by: embers | Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 08:48 PM