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The philosophy of aubergine

  • To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
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Sunday, November 02, 2008


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Welcome back. I find winter such a hard time to make changes I know I need to make - you're right, it's a time to pause.


i so wish i could have met you. you and i are a lot alike. i've come to the conclusion that if i don't like my life (um, how could i right now?)...i still am responsible for it and need to change it. i'm just a little fuzzy on exactly how to do that.

i think you're an amazing woman. would love to see your art journal too. would you be willing to share it with me?

MB Shaw

Live each moment while it happens. That is all you can ask of yourself. Your path will be revealed soon enough. Hugs sweetie, great to hear from you :-)


Welcome back! Beautiful, beautiful photo. You are the last person I would ever suspect of living life on pause. I actually admire your ability to live openly to all the possibilities. :-) I'd toss the book and start another because I've wasted too many hours finishing books that I don't like, which in turn have kept me from books that I love. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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