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Friday, March 06, 2009


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Happy to see you back again Dona. And sharing some lovely words and wisdom.

Kirsten Liske

Wonderful to see you back online! Great shots and of course, I could not help but sing along.

Its the introduction to ' The World We Have' Thich Nhat Hahn' by Alan Wiesman. North of Ch'orwon in Souh Korea's Changwon-do Province. In 2003 he visited with five Korean Federation of Environmental Movement Scientists. For 52 years it had been a DMZ, 4 kilometers wide, bisecting the Korean peninsula. Over this time it had reverted to wilderness and began supporting imperiled species, including one of the most revered: the Red Crowned Crane, with only 1,500 individuals remaining on earth, most of them here. They were working to make it an international peace park then. I wonder what has become of it?


Oh, I am so happy to see you again, dear friend. My heart skips to see you up and about.
And how I wish I was close enough to come and be near you and make books and be artful. One day.

Kimberly Reed

beautiful post dona.
beautiful photos.
beautiful everything.
you. are. amazing.


This makes me happy. I am glad you are unfurling again.

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