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The philosophy of aubergine

  • To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. - Mary Oliver
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Sunday, July 05, 2009


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what a great blog!
loving those - sweet pea blossoms?

xox - eb.

Kirsten Liske

sniff sniff, pad pad pad,,,,,, sniff snuff SNIFSNIFFSNIFFSNIFF... sniff pad pad pad dig dig DIGdigDigDigIDig sniff ........


i am missing reading your words- like your new style - waiting for the fresh August post.....

Kirsten Liske

Like a dog with its habitual path around the yard, I come sniffing around this, your corner of cyberspace, hoping for new stories.


So glad you're posting more regularly... with both inner peace and determination to enjoy life abundantly...definitely an inspiring read for the rest of us.
Well done.

jo marks

omg, i'm too shocked to comment - thought i'd have to wait MONTHS for another beautiful post. am off to get a cuppa and will come back and re-read! xx


Thank you for all the sharing. I've been hearing about these kale chips from a few sources. I have a lot of Swiss chard in the garden ... I'm going to try it with that!

Mary Beth Shaw

Hey you! I've been trying to run also (twin) and it is damn hard. My shins are the first to go every time I try this. My step daughter (she's an adult, also an athlete, which I am *not*) suggested I lift my knees higher and that does seem to help. I've also noticed my shins only bother me on the downhill parts. I am basically doing a walk/run. Would love to get it up to a full run though.
And yep, I totally get the metaphor. I think you are on such a healthy track and I am happy for you.
Hugs sweetie :-)

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