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The philosophy of aubergine

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« Daybook: July 5, 2009 | Main | warning signs »

Saturday, August 08, 2009


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Re your question: "What happened to just being able to spend a few hours doing nothing that doesn't feel like a chore? When did my life become so list-driven?"

When you can answer that, please let the rest of us know, and we can all sleep better at night...

Kirsten Liske

now you have ME watching Claudia;s videos on YOutube when I SHOULD be going to sleep!


I just discovered your blog...and lately I'm feeling the same way. No matter what I'm doing, part of me is stressing because there's something else I SHOULD be doing instead...or there's so much to do, that I don't do any of it, and feel guilty about everything.

And then I get on the computer, read blogs, and feel like precious time is just slipping away (good Van Morrison song), and the more I dwell on that, the more stuck and anxious I feel.

Guess that was a pretty neurotic first comment...sorry 'bout that.

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