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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


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My mom is a knitter. She has taught me (a couple of times), but I just don't seem to pick it up as something I do regularly. That's quite the list of things you would be knitting. I hope you get to do them soon!


OK adding projects from YOUR list is not helping me get to the end of MY list. Sigh.


That's a great idea to keep a small project in the car! I could put a sock or a hat in the console. I used to keep a small project in my bag most of the time, pre-baby, but that space is used for an extra diaper or a container of puffs these days. Thanks for sharing your project list with me!


oh gosh, that's quite a list - I'm too scared to even chronicle all of my WIPs. I really (really) need to knit the baby a sweater, but I don't think it's going to happen. He has a pair of booties done, just awaiting ties (they're supposed to match his unknit sweater - oops!). I do need to make him a hat though, but that should be speedy. I'd like to make him a bigger version of this hat that I knit him in a newborn size, but it took me a while to work the pattern out and I'm not sure I have it in me (the pattern does NOT match the picture, weird, I had to basically make the pattern from scratch, but I LOVE the hat).

Have you thought about keeping a small project in the car for when you're out on a drive - if I had an easy pattern I'd knit a few rows at stop lights or knit while my honey is driving.

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