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Monday, September 24, 2012


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I started adding a pinch of Himalayan salt to my water kefir and it really helped it grow. I pretty much use the same method as Danielle. The mineral water I use is just regular store brand, usually Arrowhead bec it's usually on sale. I would love to be able to just use boiled tap water though since I don't like to buy bottled water. I do wander if I can. Hope you are having healthier kefir by now.


It's not uncommon for dehydrated grains to take a while to get moving, sometimes they never quite get there. I tried WK before S was born and it was a flop. I got some fresh grains a couple months ago and have been MUCH more successful this time. My method is different though, so that might be part of it. Here's what I do, and my grains are pretty happy.

In a quart mason jar I put 1/4 c brown sugar (or 1/4c org sugar + 1/2 tsp molasses), pinch of mineral/sea salt, spring water (I buy bottled spring just for WK). Dissolve the sugar, add the grains, top off with water. My grains seem happiest when I let them sit for 36 hours, then second ferment (2F) w/some lemon juice or a dried apricot or two. I ran out of lemon juice today so I threw some fresh lemon balm in my 2F instead - we'll see how that turns out!

ps. did you get my e-mail?

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