When I was in high school, one of my very favorite albums, and one of the first CDs that I purchased, was Enya's album Watermark. One of the songs is in Latin, which fascinated me. I worked in a library at the time, and I enlisted the head reference librarian to help me find the translation (if you want a reference librarian to love you, ask them hard questions). This was, of course, in the days before Google. I just looked up the song in Google and found the translation in 5 seconds flat. What will be come of the reference librarians in this day and age?
The translation she hunted down for me was rough, and even she didn't think it was terribly accurate. But I remember one line: "Post nubila, Phoebus" which she told me was "after clouds..." and then Phoebus was a sun god (another name for Apollo, Google tells me now). Somehow that phrase got stuck in my memory as "after clouds, the sun." This is a phrase that comes back to me often, as grey days have such a detrimental effect on my mood, and remembering that the sun will always return is important. On Sunday, the sun returned after a couple of days of rain, and it was glorious.
I have no photo for Saturday, though if I had taken a picture, it would have been of my credit card. We spent most of the day shopping for two major purchases that we'd budgeted for a while back, but never got around to buying. First, a new mattress. Second, a gas stove to replace the ancient electric one that currently graces our kitchen and is often cursed. Actually the old mattress was getting cursed almost every morning, so the purchase of these two items will greatly reduce the amount of cursing going on in this household.